Thursday, April 29, 2010

1000+ Hits!!!

I wasn't going to blog today because I really have nothing to blog about (when do I ever?)..but then..I saw... the most amazing thing ever.....My blog has been viewed over ONE THOUSAND TIMES!!!!! How freaking cool is that?!?!Next thing I know, Ellen Degeneris is going to be posting comments and inviting me onto her show!

This calls for a celebration! So if you have nothing to do Friday night (and if you do, bail.)...hit. me. up. I will be drinking to my blog.

Anyways bloggity blog time!

Work was glorious and horrifying at the same time today which is a really awkward situation to be in. The kids were taking ISTEP so I wasn't allowed to see any of them. On the one hand it was glorious because I didn't have to do anything. No lesson planning. No slapping children, nothing. On the other hand, it was horrifying. At one point, after feeling like I'd been sitting there for about 2 hours, I looked at my watch and literally said out loud, "Oh. My. God" I had already felt like I had been there an eternity and I had 7 more hours to go.
I decided I needed to find constructive things to do if I were to make time go any faster. So I took my multicolored box of paperclips and separated all the colors (red, blue, yellow, white, pink) into separate compartments. Then, I tried to figure out how to print double sided with our copy machine..I eventually got banned from using it for "wasting paper".
Then I called my boss and asked her if I could go home, she said no.
While I had my phone out, I decided to clean out my Contacts list because..well..because I had nothing else to do.

I was very confused at what I found...pretty much tons and tons of people from my nights of debauchery that I dont remember..and apparently when i'm party I'm bad with names.
Here is a list of the weird ones I found:

Abercrombie Boy
Bashid ????
Steves Friend
Jeremy 490 West 3rd Street (Apparently I'm a stalker)
John Cute
John From Vela
Kelly Lils Cuzo
Kyle From Jungle
Mike Dont Answer
Mike From Backer
NTojh (Not even close)
Pat the Bird
Ryan Frod GATeRs (hmm?)
sarah from ireland
Shanna Bell?

If any one knows any one who meets these descriptions, let me know :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Case of the Mondays

I had the worst case of the Mondays I think I ever had today. It was one of those days that was just weird...nothing really goes wrong, but at the same time nothing goes right either.

It, obviously, started with my alarm going off this morning. Even though I was in the same place I am every morning..I woke up having no idea where I was.
Once I figured out that I was in my bedroom..I crawled slowly out of bed. I was definitely still feeling pain from my Friday and Saturday nights of debauchery (I'm getting old).
I shower,dress, eat, get all of my work stuff together..go outside..start the car.
I kept thinking, "'s dark out."
I look at the clock on the dash of my car..I have to add an hour and subtract 5 minutes because I don't know how to set it right. According to my is only 4:30am. I check my math again. Yep, definitely only 4:30. I meant to wake up at 5:30.....
I sit in the car for a few minutes..contemplating how I'm going to bounce back and have a normal day after doing something like this. I decided to go back to sleep for an hour..start my day over right. So I did.
When I woke up again I realized I overslept. It was 8:05 and I see my first kids at 8:00. Luckily I was already showered, dressed, and ready to go. In a hurry, I hop in my car and back up without looking..well it turns out my mom was confused and put the recyclables out a day early. I knock them over and drag them all the way down the street. I thought about just leaving them, but my neighbor (who was laughing hysterically by the way) saw me so I had to pick them up.

When I finally arrived at the school, I walk into my office only to find four pissed off third graders staring at me.
"You're late," one of them says.
I immediately feel like I betrayed them. Luckily and quick thinking on my part, I brought M&Ms to share and all was forgotten.

The day didn't get much better. I've been too efficient lately..and had nothing to do. The computer I normally use at work has a virus so I couldn't even stalk people on facebook. It was torture.

At one point, I was working with a kid on following her 1 step directions she had to do her best to follow. She had a worksheet and a collection of crayons in front of her. I told her to color something blue and she just stared at me like I'm crazy.
I thought maybe she didn't hear me so I said it again, "Color the TRIANGLE, blue."
She replies, "To do that..I would need a blue crayon."
Now I'm looking at her like SHE'S crazy, "You do have a blue crayon. It's right in front of you."
"That isn't's denim."
Cheese and Rice..are you serious???
I say, "'s the same thing."
"How is it the same thing? You said color the SQUARE blue..this is denim."
"Color the TRIANGLE blue" (Square..This is why we're doing this activity!!)
"Still, it's denim."
At this point my mind wanders..I think about all the people assisting in disaster relief, researching cures for cancer, doctors performing life saving procedures...

and then there's me..arguing with an 8 year old about the difference between blue and denim.

"Just color it red." I gave up.
She colored THE SQUARE red.

On the bright side, today was so lame it's going to make Terrible Tuesday (what I always call Tuesdays) Terrific. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not a happy blog.

This is not a happy blog.

I never thought this would happen to me...but it has. I am THAT girl. If you don't know what that means you're a guy,in a relationship, or extremely lucky. You never ever want to be THAT girl.

As THAT girl I am the "Go To" person for all the matchmakers who have nice awkward guy friends who haven't found, but are looking for, THE ONE.

The descriptions the matchmakers give of these "irresistible bachelors" are always the same..

"You should meet my..(fill in blank with relation--son, friend, cousin, nephew, etc.)..He is so nice/sweet/(fill in with some BS adjective). I think you would get along; you two have a lot in common."

I'm learning that as soon as a guy is described as NICE I should abort mission.

Some fellow co-workers claimed their friend and I have TONS in common..and he's so NICE.
Next thing I know, I'm on a date with a man who keeps a Chewbacca costume in his trunk (just in case) and a Big Foot fetish. (I hope he isn't reading'd be hard to play like I'm talking about some one else.) ..I still to this day haven't found out what we have in common.

Ran into a friend I hadn't seen in awhile at a wedding, "Oh My God..Andrea. I have the perfect guy for you. He is so nice. You two would definitely hit it off."
Next thing I know I'm on a date with Eharmony..What's Eharmony like? Take the guy that IS my type and pretend it's opposite day. He updates his Eharmony account more than I do my Facebook. He is short. Doesn't work out. Doesn't enjoy going out. He is looking for a stay at home wife who is willing to pop out 9 kids.

So I'm a smart girl (..well it's debatable), but I will not make the same mistake twice. I learned that, "You have a lot in common with my (fill in relation..friend, son, etc)," is code for, "You and my (fill in relation) are both single." (P.S. I don't even know how people just KNOW I'm single..I think if people JUST's a bad thing, right?) AND "He is so nice." is code for,"he's weird, but has a good heart please love him."
I haven't been on any more of these dates, but the attacks keep coming and it's driving me LOCO.

A coworker of mine says, "You know, you and my son are about the same age. He's a roadie for a band. I bet you two would really hit it off."


After a conference a mother says to me, "My son is your age. You would think he's so sweet. Why don't you give me your number? When he is out of jail I'll have him call you."


At Grandma's..It's gotta be safe at Grandma's, right?..NOPE
"Andrea, we have a new neighbor who looks to be around your age. I hear he's very nice." GRANDMA NOT YOU TOO!


My supervisor says, "My friend Rachel's boyfriend's brother has a friend that you would have a ton in common with."


(This could go on forever.)

Finally, today, a teacher that provides private instruction to one of my speech kids says, "I have a nephew for you." I'm thinking 'Oh, she has a young nephew who needs speech therapy." I say to her, "Really? How old is he?" She replies, "23."

Here we go.

She continues, "He is such a nice boy. I think you would like him a lot. Of course..his hair is longer than yours right now. I think he plans on donating it to Locks of Love. Hm..I'm not really sure about his beard though. His beard is longer than his hair. HAHA! He looks like Jesus."

I lost it.

I replied, "I can't see myself doing anything other than praying with Jesus. Thanks though."

This is why I love blogging. I feel so much better now.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Does this make me crazy? one told me the amount of pressure blogging brings. I keep getting called out. I walked in the gym today and someone said, "You haven't blogged in two days,"..I've received text messages..facebook messages..any kind of message you can imagine asking me to blog.

I meant to blog yesterday.. but during the day I had to saves lives and at night I had to watch the CMAs, ya feel me?..if you don't get that then you should just go read someone elses blog (but this is The Best Blog In The Whole Entire I'd understand if you want to stay.)

In all seriousness though, I added a counter and my blog has been viewed over 500 times!! Are you all messing with me??...Telling me you like reading it, but then are secretly calling me a tard behind my back??? If you are, don't tell me. I'm a firm believer in ignorance is bliss. I like how things are going and don't want it ruined. Anyways, I decided that once my blog reaches 1000 views I'm going to force people to go out and drink with me in celebration :D

But blogging is not what I wanted to blog about..

Every morning on my way to work (Mondays/Wednesdays I have a 30 minute drive..Tues/Thurs more like 45 minutes) I listen to Rob and AJ on U93. Freaking love them..they always have me cracking up. They do this segment called "Does This Make Me Crazy?" where people will call in and share things they do that may be out of the ordinary..Rob and AJ will then vote whether they think that the caller is crazy or not.
I never call in because I have to focus on driving.Talking on a cell phone and driving at the same time is just something I should avoid. One time..I was having myself a good time dancing to Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus when I hit a deer..needless to say I don't F around anymore. Nor can I listen to that song without feeling terrified. (Does that make me crazy?)

Anyways, I digress.

So I never call in, but I was thinking about things that I do that other people might consider crazy. Surprisingly, I do a lot of unusual things and it was really easy for me to come up with this list..Here it goes:

If I am sitting in a car..doesn't matter if I'm driving or a passenger..I HAVE to have my seat belt on. Car off..sitting in a driveway..I will have my seat belt on. Car parked in a parking lot..waiting on a friend to get something in belt will be on. Just feels weird without it. Click it or Ticket? Not a problem for me. Does that make me crazy??

While on the subject of cars...if my gas tank gets down to a quarter tank..I automatically start to feel nervous. I never let it go below a quarter tank. If it does, I freak. Does that make me crazy???

I can drive long distances at night with my headlights off and never notice. Does that make me crazy??

A silent room with other people present totally creeps me out. I start laughing, humming, singing, clearing my throat ANYTHING to make some kind of noise. Does that make me crazy??

I feel inadequate if I don't change my facebook picture at least once a month. Sometimes I even get jealous of people with really cool facebook pictures. Does that make me crazy???

During the summer, I'm obsessed with country music and can't stand rap. During the winter, I can't stand country and I love rap. (Does that mean I'm a hillbilly in the summer and a gangster in the winter??) Does this make me crazy??

I'm terrified of lighting matches. I refuse to do it. Does this make me crazy??

At the gym, I give myself pep talks while I'm changing in the locker room. Sometimes I avoid doing it because I know it's weird..but then I always have crappy work outs. Does this make me crazy?

If I taste cottage takes me a full 24 hours to recover..I hate it THAT much. Whoever invented it is an idiot. Does this make me crazy??

I always think about sex while I'm in church. Does this make me crazy??? (Is that a sin??)

If it's raining.. that stupid song, "Singing In The Rain," is guaranteed to pop in my head at least once. Does this make me crazy??

Sometimes when I'm really nervous about something..The Babysitters Club theme song gets stuck in my head. I don't know why. This has been happening to me since I was little. Does this make me crazy??

When I get pedicures..if I put my feet in the water and it's too hot..I'll pass out. Does that make me crazy?

Alright..that's enough to humiliation to last until the next blog.

So..if by chance you guys are actually reading this..and not just humoring me by visiting the page real quick to bump up my blog hits...leave your comments about the stuff YOU do that might be crazy. Then, hopefully I can use you to feel better about myself. ;)

Friday, April 16, 2010

For the fellas

I had a conversation with a friend today about a date she went on last weekend. The guy she went out with is a mutual friend of mine. They are both incredibly cool people and actually have a lot in common. However, after the first date, she can't stand him. She thinks he's an arrogant asshole. (Sorry if you're both reading this and know who I'm talking about....don't hate the blogger hate the blog). The two went out to a restaurant of her choice. He wanted her to pick out the restaurant, but then made fun of the service and quality of food the whole night..he was taking phone calls and texting on his phone instead of talking to her..and he was getting obviously tipsy (I see nothing wrong with that one..haha juuuust kidding..but seriously, I dont.).

I have to admit..she has a point..and he does sound like an ass BUT, I know this guy..he's legit..and this does not sound like him at all. I DO know that he doesn't go on dates very often and he was probably nervous. Guys do stupid things when they are nervous. This made me think that there are probably a lot of good guys out there who just get nervous..don't know what to say or they react stupidly.

The chit chat with my friend inspired a blog (Yaaay!) This is pretty much a DONTS list..things guys should avoid doing or saying on first dates if they ever want to see the chick again. Most..probably all..of what I say is coming from personal experience (I've had my fair share of bad first dates). it goes..

  • Don't talk about your ex on the first date (unless asked). If you feel her name coming up in it a're not ready to date.
  • Do not ask the following questions: How old do you want to be when you get married? How many kids do you want to have? Do you think you could be a stay at home mom? Can you cook?..It's a first date...take it easy.
  • Don't come on TOO STRONG. One time..I was playing pool on a first date and while setting up the game.. the guy grabbed my butt and simultaneously whispered in my ear, "Can you grab my balls?" JJJJJJeeerkk. I didn't slap him..or even act like I didn't like it..I just never returned his phone calls and he hasn't heard from me since.
  • If you have E-harmony or any other online dating profile..and you're not on a date with a girl you met online..don't tell her you have a profile. There is nothing wrong with having one..but to someone who doesn't know you it's going to scream desperate.
  • Don't tell a girl too many times that she looks pretty. I went on a date with a guy who I swear said, "You are so beautiful," every half hour...don't do that. Chances are if the girl really is beautiful..she knows it. You telling her over and over is going to make her think something is wrong with you AND you're setting yourself up to be "that guy" she calls when she feels bloated and needs a compliment. One.."You look beautiful," the beginning of the date is enough.
  • Don't admit to having any dorky obsessions on the first date (Big foot..chewbacca costumes in your trek)..wait until she loves you.
  • Do not discuss politics. Plain and simple.
  • Don't try so and chocolates on a first date?..really not necessary.
  • Don't talk about yourself too much. You're a hot shot lawyer and make tons of money? Sweet. Get over it.
  • Don't call mom, dad, brothers, or sisters and make your first date talk to them.
  • Don't cheers the wine to this, "The first of many dates."
  • Don't fart at the dinner table..unless she does it first.
  • If out to dinner, do not order for your date unless she asks you to.
  • Do not go in for a kiss if you're not sure how the date is going. If you don't know, it's not going well.
  • Don't ask to plan the second date when the first date isn't over.
  • If the first date went well, don't screw it up by smothering the chick with phone calls. Trust me, if it went well, she will call you. It drives us nuts when we don't hear from you.

Okay..that's all I can think of for now. Again, this is just my opinion. may not agree with me and that's okay. Guys..don't listen to the ladies who don't agree..TRUST ME..don't do any of these things.

Hope this helps someone (If any one actually reads this!)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Broken Silence


The most amazing thing happened at work yesterday! One of my speech kids, we will call him Bill, has severe autism and does not speak. Not because he can't, but because he doesn't want to. Bill never says ANYTHING. Nothing. His mom says he never speaks to her at home or any other members of the family at home either.

Therapy pretty much consists of the two of us sitting in a small room together--just staring at each other. He never shows emotion. Not a smile..frown..nothing. Just a neutral stare. Sometimes I try to annoy emotion out of him (singing, telling jokes that aren't funny, being overly enthusiastic, talking constantly). It kind of works. Instead of staring blankly at me, he'll put his face in his hands...

So as you can imagine..after 8 months of working with Bill..never hearing him speak is pretty frustrating.

However, yesterday, I went to go get Bill and walk with him to my office for speech therapy. We have to walk down two flights of stairs. I noticed Bill was wearing over-sized tan Fubu boots that he refused to tie.

"Bill," I said, "You need to tie your boots or you're going to fall down those stairs."

Bill replied, " "...and continued down the stairs.

Not even seconds later..Bill trips down a few steps..twisting his ankle and jamming his finger from trying to catch himself. Then...wait for it..wait for it..I hear the most amazing sound I've ever heard:


That was all. Then it was silent. Bill looked at the ground, shocked. I looked at him, shocked. We walked the rest of the way to my office together in silence. We both take our seats.

Me: Bill, I couldn't help noticing your screaming in the hallway...
Bill: " "
Me: I told you to tie your boots or you'd get hurt.

Bill tied his shoes.

That was all, but it was great stuff. His teacher doesn't even believe me.

Second great thing to happen! (Off subject, but I'll do what I want)

I cooked real food and it tasted like real foood. Check it out!!

Its okay to admit you're impressed.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bucket list

As usual, I have a whole lot of nothing to blog about. This post is dedicated to those of you who challenged whether I'd blog once Spring Break is over. Well..Spring Break is officially OVER and guess whose blogging!!!?!?! Sure showed you.

I have a million and one other important things I could be doing...buuut they can wait. After all, this IS The Best Blog In The Whole Entire World.

So over the weekend, I went to Chicago with Chubby Kid just in celebration of life and on the way home (we took the train) I was eavesdropping on this conversation between this guy and girl who were sitting close by. The guy is a crack head from Chicago (I'm not just being mean..he said he has a drug problem) and she is really loud and from South Bend. They met at a club and I'm pretty sure they were still drunk. Anyways, Crack Head decides that he is going to ride home to South Bend with Loud Girl only after hours of meeting due to this amazing and unexplainable connection he felt he had with her. I keep checking the news to make sure Loud Girl's mug shot with the words MISSING doesn't make headlines. Anyways..that's not what I'm getting at. I overheard Crackitty Crack naming off things on his bucket list (things he has to do before he dies)...He mentioned like staying sober, getting close with his daughter, more tattoos, etc.

Even though Crack Head is got me thinking..What would be on my Bucket List??

So here's what I'm thinking:

1.) Meet someone really famous (William Hung is the only famous person I've ever met and he's an incredibly grumpy and mean Asian). I'm hoping for Ellen Degeneres. We'd be best friends.
2.) Be in a healthy and functional relationship (Yes, even Miss Anti-Relationships wants this EVENTUALLY).
3.) Leave the country (I can check this one off in June :D )
4.) Pay my parents back for all the hell I've put them through.
5.) Slap Sarah Palin. (Not even getting into politics..she just annoys the poo out of me)
6.) Go to Jamaica so I can say, "Jamaican me craaazzyyy" over and over again.
7.) Move out of my parent's house.
8.) Own a lake house.
9.) Own a boat.
10.) Visit every US State.
11.) Not act old when I'm old.
12.) Go Sky Diving (I just felt like I should put this. Every one does and I'm a follower. It's debatable though. I lack the skills necessary to follow directions and I have really bad luck.)
13.) Learn to cook.
14.) Not burning my house down or poisoning any one while learning to cook.
15.) Watch the ball drop at Times Square
16.) Read the entire Bible.
17.) Buy an extremely rich person dinner.
18.) See Eric Clapton in concert
19.) Crash a wedding reception
20.) Spend a few years doing some kind of mission work.
21.) Be on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and get past $1,000.

That's all for now. I'm starting to stress myself out. So much to do and I'm already 24!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is this for real????

Alright, check it out.

It's a Friday night in and I'm just minding my own business multi-tasking like a champion (watching a movie, some facebook action, looking up stupid videos of people falling on youtube..) when I decide to check my e-mail.

I have 43 new messages. So I'm quickly scanning down to view who they are all from and I see:
Eastern Michigan (oh, not again....)
Facebook (+33 more times)

I wish Facebook didn't send me e-mail updates. I don't know how to change it. Anyways, so I see a message from Eastern Michigan. I look in the subject line and read, "Greetings from Eastern Michigan University! I am delighted to inform you..." That's it. I have to open to see the rest.

Now I have to hit pause for a sec and update those of you who don't know me on what's been going on... so you don't think I'm completely negative.

This is the 3rd year in a row I've tried to get into a graduate school for Speech Pathology. It has been a serious struggle. I have about 30 rejection letters sitting in a pile in my room. I don't even have to open them anymore to know that its a rejection. Open the mailbox..see a plain skinny white envelope..rejection. Don't even need to open it. Rejection e-mails too..all read the same thing in the subject line, "I am sorry to inform you the the Faculty at blah blah blah cannot at this time.."

So I'm expecting the same thing with Eastern Michigan

(well my first thought was....when did I apply to Eastern Michigan???? Which gives you an idea of how many times I've done this.).

So, again, I'm thinking this is just another rejection and I'm reading, "Greetings from Eastern Michigan!!!!" That's just sick I thought...they are about to crush all my hopes and dreams with a cheerful GREETINGS!!!!...assholes...
Then, I go on, "I'm delighted to inform you.." least the other schools regret to inform me....are sorry to inform me...Eastern Michigan is delighted to inform me that they can't offer me a position. Gotta respect the honesty and uniqueness of their rejections though...

I finally open the e-mail.

"Greetings from Eastern Michigan University! I am delighted to inform you that you have been admitted to our graduate program in speech-language pathology for Fall 2010."


Me: MOOOOMMMM!!! Is this for real?? What does it mean?!?!

Mom: It means you should have saved your money instead of blowing it all on liquor at Main Street Pub.

Gotta love moms....

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I was reading comments from my past blogs (I sound like I've been blogging for years..more like 2 days.) and noticed this comment left by anonymous:

"I thought you were a believer, someone who’d wanna blog about your ideals..."
Anonymous, oh didn't. I AM a believer. I BELIEVE you're a big jerk. I will blog about my ideals when I'm good and ready. If you don't like can get out.


I don't have anything to blog about today. Most people just wouldn't blog if they didn't have anything to say...but I'm not normal people.
I'm realizing more and more that I have an addictive personality. Meaning pretty much anything I find enjoyable I can't practice moderation with.
For example.. (I'll leave out the example of parents read my blog now. My mom was upset in my last blog when I used the word "Fart" brothers and I had to use the word "Toot" while we were growing up. Don't really know why that's any better. I digress.), working out I find enjoyable so I do it every day. Yes, you are supposed to work out every day in MODERATION, but I'll work out every day for at least 2 hours. And I tweek out if I miss a day. Not..normal.

Another example is facebook. This is not a surprise to many of you who know me. I am guaranteed to be on facebook. I check it at least once every hour if I'm home. I HAVE to update my status, wish every facebooker happy birthday, poke, reject farmville and mafiawar requests, stalk get it. I probably facebook at work more than I actually do work at work (shhhh!)

Probably the worst thing that brings out my addictive personality, though, isssss junk food. Particularly ice cream. I'm being completely serious right now. It's a problem. I mean..just look at my blog profile picture. I have at least 2 bowls of ice cream every day..after my normal sized meals. These are not just bowls of ice cream either. They have peanut butter in them..chocolate syrup..oreos..whipped cream..absolutely heavenly. My addiction is so bad this chubby kid I know bet me $50 I can't go now until the end of summer without eating it. I took on the challenge. (Wondering if this bet still counts while I'm in Europe this June...different area codes????).

So..blogging is becoming something else that brings out my addictive personality. In fact, I'll go ahead and call myself a Blogzilla. I caught myself quizzing my friends about things I have written so far to see if they really read it (Sorry Dave). I get mad at my friends who are working and don't have time to read my blog.

Its already taking over my life. I ate Reeses Puffs for breakfast and I thought "Can I blog about this?" Ran out of warm water in the shower and thought, "Can I blog about this?" Bought a scented candle that doesn't smell like anything.."can I blog about this??" Anything that happens to me..I think.."Hmm..can I blog about that?"
Oh..almost forgot..I met someone in a bar last night and told him I'd blog about him (Hey Cutco Guy! Hope you sell some knives..sorry I lied to you about kareoke.)

My friend asked me a question and I replied, "I'm sorry. You'll have to read my blog."

Is this going to get so bad that I won't have normal conversations with people? I can see it now..

Friend: Hey Andrea, how are you?
Me: Juuuuust...Read my blog.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So...I have to thank all of you who I forced into reading The Best Blog In The Whole Entire World. You all have given me some great tips on the proper way to blog. I've heard that my blog looks cute (F- yeah it looks cute!), but I really need to have a focus..a theme..and I shouldn't switch topics so much. Someone told me my first post is overwhelming and that I'm going to scare away my readers. I'm all over the place and I'm going to lose people.

Great advice, great advice. most great advice I'm given (don't take 151 shots, don't text and drive, don't pick up homeless people)..I'm probably not going to listen. But thank you for the advice any ways!

I promised myself I wouldn't blog about my pets. No offense to people who do, but it just seems kind of lame to me. I was browsing different blogs and found tons of people who treat their animals better than they treat their children: A crazy cat lady who grills her cats fresh chicken breast for dinner every night..a guy who has like 50 iguanas who just run around the house freely..and then they write crazy detail about every single move they make. I don't want to be like that...


I have to talk about Max because I'm really worried about him! I think he needs a puppy psychologist (do those exist?). He is a huge dog. Absolutely huge. Yet, he is scared of EVERYTHING. Literally everything. This is kind of gross. But this is my blog and I'll do what I want. This one time, Max farted really really loud. And as soon as he did it, he looked at his butt and started running. The dog was terrified of his butt. He didn't eat for like 3 days.

Then, last Sunday (maybe Saturday or Monday? doesn't matter) it was really nice outside so I decided I was going to try to work the grill. I had Max frolicking around outside with me. I finished grilling and then couldn't figure out how to turn the damn thing off (Turns out..all you have to do is turn the dials counter clockwise to the words that say OFF..I was turning the burners clockwise to HIGH). So, I left the yard for a few minutes to grab my neighbor to help me. While I was gone, I heard a faint murmur of thunder in the distance and a few seconds later a frantic squeal. I got back to the house and my back door was wide open and Max was laying in our laundry room just crying.

Ever since then..he hasn't been eating and follows me around the house (This is strange for Max. He hates me). The biggest problem is..he barks constantly. He barks when he hears rain, he barks when the phone rings, he barks when I close the refrigerator door, when he hears me going up and down the stairs, he barks at the sound of me chewing crunchy cereal (completely true). I can't even sleep! Liiiiike, he woke me up at least 3 times every hour last night. And since he won't go outside..he keeps leaving me massive presents on the floor..except they are the worst kind of presents ever..are you picking up what I'm laying down???

I don't know any one else who has a dog with this similar problem. So I'm thinking I need a puppy psychologist..or a doggy whisperer..someone who can tell Max that thunder and farts will not hurt him.

Anyways, enough for now. I'm going shopping :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Take 2

Okay, so I'm trying this again. I panicked the first time. The thing is, I've wanted a blog for so long, but I'm definitely realizing I have NOTHING to blog about..and not sure I even understand the purpose of a blog. I have friends who blog about cooking (I can't cook so that wont work for me..unlllessssss I blog about how bad I am at cooking?) (know nothing about fashion)..books (don't read much)...starting their families (I'm 23..almost 24 and still live with my parents, awesome.).

So what to blog about?

Can I ask questions about things I wonder about? come their are so many baked goods whose name is also a nickname for the uhhh male anatomy (for exaaammmplleee..twinkies..ding dongs..snow balls)??? come men have nipples? Orrr....why do words like caught bought fought have Gs in them? Orrr..if you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? Am I the only one that didn't know what a disco stick is? Did Katy Perry really kiss a girl? Is Kesha an alcoholic?....and then if I ask these questions..will any one even answer them?

Or should I use a blog to talk about how I will never ever date any one whose name starts with the letter M,K,O, or P (definite deal breakers) or I'll never date any one who is shorter than me, dumber than me, skinnier than me, has bigger boobs than me, likes to shop, has a funny smell, believes in big foot, doesn't like sports, takes longer to get ready than me, drives a hummer, plays the flute, or has long hair or a beard. Then would I blog about why? I can't really explain why..thats like trying to explain why ranch tastes good on one knows..its just the way it is.

Does it even matter what I write about? Will any one read it???

April 6th, 2010

Sooooo...started a blog. What to write about..what to write about...

It's raining.

That's all for now!