Monday, April 19, 2010

Does this make me crazy? one told me the amount of pressure blogging brings. I keep getting called out. I walked in the gym today and someone said, "You haven't blogged in two days,"..I've received text messages..facebook messages..any kind of message you can imagine asking me to blog.

I meant to blog yesterday.. but during the day I had to saves lives and at night I had to watch the CMAs, ya feel me?..if you don't get that then you should just go read someone elses blog (but this is The Best Blog In The Whole Entire I'd understand if you want to stay.)

In all seriousness though, I added a counter and my blog has been viewed over 500 times!! Are you all messing with me??...Telling me you like reading it, but then are secretly calling me a tard behind my back??? If you are, don't tell me. I'm a firm believer in ignorance is bliss. I like how things are going and don't want it ruined. Anyways, I decided that once my blog reaches 1000 views I'm going to force people to go out and drink with me in celebration :D

But blogging is not what I wanted to blog about..

Every morning on my way to work (Mondays/Wednesdays I have a 30 minute drive..Tues/Thurs more like 45 minutes) I listen to Rob and AJ on U93. Freaking love them..they always have me cracking up. They do this segment called "Does This Make Me Crazy?" where people will call in and share things they do that may be out of the ordinary..Rob and AJ will then vote whether they think that the caller is crazy or not.
I never call in because I have to focus on driving.Talking on a cell phone and driving at the same time is just something I should avoid. One time..I was having myself a good time dancing to Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus when I hit a deer..needless to say I don't F around anymore. Nor can I listen to that song without feeling terrified. (Does that make me crazy?)

Anyways, I digress.

So I never call in, but I was thinking about things that I do that other people might consider crazy. Surprisingly, I do a lot of unusual things and it was really easy for me to come up with this list..Here it goes:

If I am sitting in a car..doesn't matter if I'm driving or a passenger..I HAVE to have my seat belt on. Car off..sitting in a driveway..I will have my seat belt on. Car parked in a parking lot..waiting on a friend to get something in belt will be on. Just feels weird without it. Click it or Ticket? Not a problem for me. Does that make me crazy??

While on the subject of cars...if my gas tank gets down to a quarter tank..I automatically start to feel nervous. I never let it go below a quarter tank. If it does, I freak. Does that make me crazy???

I can drive long distances at night with my headlights off and never notice. Does that make me crazy??

A silent room with other people present totally creeps me out. I start laughing, humming, singing, clearing my throat ANYTHING to make some kind of noise. Does that make me crazy??

I feel inadequate if I don't change my facebook picture at least once a month. Sometimes I even get jealous of people with really cool facebook pictures. Does that make me crazy???

During the summer, I'm obsessed with country music and can't stand rap. During the winter, I can't stand country and I love rap. (Does that mean I'm a hillbilly in the summer and a gangster in the winter??) Does this make me crazy??

I'm terrified of lighting matches. I refuse to do it. Does this make me crazy??

At the gym, I give myself pep talks while I'm changing in the locker room. Sometimes I avoid doing it because I know it's weird..but then I always have crappy work outs. Does this make me crazy?

If I taste cottage takes me a full 24 hours to recover..I hate it THAT much. Whoever invented it is an idiot. Does this make me crazy??

I always think about sex while I'm in church. Does this make me crazy??? (Is that a sin??)

If it's raining.. that stupid song, "Singing In The Rain," is guaranteed to pop in my head at least once. Does this make me crazy??

Sometimes when I'm really nervous about something..The Babysitters Club theme song gets stuck in my head. I don't know why. This has been happening to me since I was little. Does this make me crazy??

When I get pedicures..if I put my feet in the water and it's too hot..I'll pass out. Does that make me crazy?

Alright..that's enough to humiliation to last until the next blog.

So..if by chance you guys are actually reading this..and not just humoring me by visiting the page real quick to bump up my blog hits...leave your comments about the stuff YOU do that might be crazy. Then, hopefully I can use you to feel better about myself. ;)


  1. I occasionally text you and expect a response back. Does that make me crazy?

  2. i hate cheese, does that make me crazy? the first thing i do when i get of facebook is look for your blog, does that make me crazy? im your biggest fan, does that make me crazy?


  3. It's exciting for me to lead a double life once in awhile...does that make me crazy or just reckless?

    I love being naked so much that my roommates in college used to walk in on me and get really pissed...does that make me crazy??? IT WAS MY ROOM FREAKIN KNOCK :)

    I've changed an ex's facebook privacy settings so that I could stalk him even though we weren't friends...does that make me crazy?? I can answer this one, YES! But he should change his's been years now :)

    I'm jealous that your blog is 100000 times better than mine...does that make me crazy?

    :) BYE!

  4. I didn't know you (1) have a blog and (2) you're an excellent writer. I didn't know we both hate cottage cheese, or that we think of weird things in church (maybe it's because we hardly go). I've never gotten a pedicure, but when my feet alone are submerged in hot tubs, I get faint. I catch myself mumbling (especially when making myself feel better). I never wear a seat belt, but I'm quick to feel awkward.

    We have so much in common, I feel terrible--Does this make me crazy? Or just a bad person?

    It's not realizing I know little about you, it's seeing we're so similar--so much, we're almost the same.

    I miss you,

    Little Brother

  5. I bought expensive plants for air filtration only.

    I'm practicing to be a professional poker player.

    I used to walk around campus just to meet new women.

    I can't have dirty dishes sitting in the sink, although I don't mind things getting dusty.

    I'm a proponent of cheating to win.

    I was rooting for Gerard Butler's character in Law Abiding Citizen(great movie).

    I plan on learning wild survival skills and living outdoors for awhile- just so I'm prepared.

    Does this make me crazy? I believe I'm opportunistic.
