Thursday, April 29, 2010

1000+ Hits!!!

I wasn't going to blog today because I really have nothing to blog about (when do I ever?)..but then..I saw... the most amazing thing ever.....My blog has been viewed over ONE THOUSAND TIMES!!!!! How freaking cool is that?!?!Next thing I know, Ellen Degeneris is going to be posting comments and inviting me onto her show!

This calls for a celebration! So if you have nothing to do Friday night (and if you do, bail.)...hit. me. up. I will be drinking to my blog.

Anyways bloggity blog time!

Work was glorious and horrifying at the same time today which is a really awkward situation to be in. The kids were taking ISTEP so I wasn't allowed to see any of them. On the one hand it was glorious because I didn't have to do anything. No lesson planning. No slapping children, nothing. On the other hand, it was horrifying. At one point, after feeling like I'd been sitting there for about 2 hours, I looked at my watch and literally said out loud, "Oh. My. God" I had already felt like I had been there an eternity and I had 7 more hours to go.
I decided I needed to find constructive things to do if I were to make time go any faster. So I took my multicolored box of paperclips and separated all the colors (red, blue, yellow, white, pink) into separate compartments. Then, I tried to figure out how to print double sided with our copy machine..I eventually got banned from using it for "wasting paper".
Then I called my boss and asked her if I could go home, she said no.
While I had my phone out, I decided to clean out my Contacts list because..well..because I had nothing else to do.

I was very confused at what I found...pretty much tons and tons of people from my nights of debauchery that I dont remember..and apparently when i'm party I'm bad with names.
Here is a list of the weird ones I found:

Abercrombie Boy
Bashid ????
Steves Friend
Jeremy 490 West 3rd Street (Apparently I'm a stalker)
John Cute
John From Vela
Kelly Lils Cuzo
Kyle From Jungle
Mike Dont Answer
Mike From Backer
NTojh (Not even close)
Pat the Bird
Ryan Frod GATeRs (hmm?)
sarah from ireland
Shanna Bell?

If any one knows any one who meets these descriptions, let me know :)

1 comment:

  1. John from Vela was probably when we were in SB in Panama- I think Vela was the name of one of the clubs?! xo-Bob
